AMP holds its annual partners’ meeting during the first quarter of each year, hosted by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The meeting typically convenes approximately 150 participants and provides a forum of globally-recognized importance devoted to ITN programme implementation, covering technical updates, challenges and lessons learned, ITN campaign and continuous distribution progress, post-ITN distribution issues and opportunities, and other key related topics.

Staff from the national malaria programmes of selected countries and their implementing partners, as well as representatives of global financial and technical organizations, attend and present their strategies and lessons learned from ITN distribution activities. The meeting provides a vital opportunity for sharing experiences and research results, and mobilizing partnerships around identified gaps for achieving and sustaining ITN universal coverage objectives.

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Recaps from AMP partners meetings

AMP Partners Meeting Agenda (February 19th – 20th, 2024) – ENG | FR

Participants List – ENG

Summary Outcomes – ENG

AMP 2024 annual meeting report – ENGFR

Key Takeaways from AMP Partnership Meeting 2023 – ENG

Please find the awards here, in English and French

AMP 2024 annual partners meeting awards

Video – shared screen & speaker view

Audio Only – ENG | FR

Video – shared screen & speaker view

Audio Only – ENG | FR

Global scaleup of ITNs in the 2000s and applicable lessons for the current and future contextENG
Cordelia S. Kenney

Net Mapping Project and the Global Malaria Commodities Forecasting Project – ENG
Cédric Mingat (ResultsinHealth) & Munashe Madinga(CHAI)

Subnational tailoring of malaria interventions and strategies – ENG
Dr. Beatriz Galatas, Strategic Information and Response Unit, Global Malaria Program

Global Fund Grant Cycle 7 lessons learned and efforts to ensure ITN optimization – ENG
Kate Kolaczinski

Stratification and sub-national tailoring for ITNs: Results of applyingthe methods in Ghana – ENG
Otubea Owusu Akrofi


Priorité à la lutte antivectorielle face à des ressources limitées : le cas du Sénégal – FR
PNLP Sénégal

A mixed method framework for deprioritizationof ITNs, codesigned with stakeholders and applied to Ilorin, Kwara – ENG
Ifeoma Ozodiegwu, Assistant Professor, Department of Health Informatics and Data Science

Evaluating the operational feasibility and impact of ITN deprioritization in urban areas in Kwara State – ENG
Eleanore Sternberg, PhD

Micro-stratification urbaine en Guinée – Progrès, défis et prochaines étapes – FR
Dr Abdourahamane Diallo (NMCP GUINEA)

Implementation of multiple strategies to optimize delivery of ITNs and SMC: KwaraState, Nigeria – ENG

Ajuster l’allocation des MID des personnes aux couchettes-Prise de décision et résultats – FR
Dr. Atcha Oubou Tinah, Coordonnateur PNLP

Transitioning to Community-Based Distribution in High-Burden Districts For a Lasting Net Coverage: Successes, Challenges and Recommendations From Burundi – ENG

South Sudan: Addressing challenges for ITN distribution through adapted strategies – ENG
J. Puok

Considerations for adapted ITN operational strategies – ENG
Marcy Erskine

AMP 2024 Annual Partners Meeting: Climate impacts and vector control with ITNs – ENG
A. Tauzi

Impact du changement climatique dans le cadre de la lutte contre le paludisme à Madagascar – FR
H. Ramiandrisoa

Guarding Resilience: ITN Provision in Climate-Stricken Communities – ENG
M. Talah

Vector Control with ITNs: The environmental footprint – ENG
Lilia Gerberg (PMI) and Sidharth Rupani (Global Fund)

Waste Management & End of Life Successes and Challenges – Ghana and Sierra Leone SBD – ENG
Prince Owusu, Regional ITN Technical Advisor

Solid waste management in the massive ITN distribution campaign in Mozambique , 2022 2023 – ENG
Inês Juleca António

Developing an Evidence based Approach to End of Life ITNs in Nigeria Project EOLIN – A Public Private Partnership – ENG
Mary Esema & Fatima Ali, Nigeria NMEP

The 2023 AMP Annual Partners Meeting of the Alliance for Malaria Prevention took place on May 8th – 9, 2023. The meeting has been followed by a Campaign Digitalization Meeting on May 10th – 11th, 2023.

AMP Partners Meeting Agenda (May 7, 2023) – ENG | FR

Please find here the awards in English and French

Morning Session (Day 1)
Afternoon Session (Day 1)
Morning Session (Day 2)
Afternoon Session (Day 2)
Morning Session (Day 3)
Afternoon Breakout Session (Day 3)
Afternoon Plenary Session (Day 3)
Morning Session (Day 4)
Afternoon Session (Day 4)

Malaria and vector control situation with focus on ITNs – World Malaria Report 2022 – ENG
Dr. Emmanuel Chanda (WHO/AFRO)

New vector control products: Market outlook and pipelineENG
Ioana Ursu (IVCC)

Summary of results from New Nets Project pilot countriesENG
Andrew Saibu (IVCC)

Uganda: Successes and challenges with two multi-product mass campaigns and future planning based on evaluation outcomes ENG
Dr Jimmy Opigo (NMCP)

Mozambique: Decision-making and trade-offs for deployment of new ITN types aligned to resistance data ENG
Dr Baltazar Candrinho (NMCP)

Funding landscape: Implications for deployment of ITN types aligned to resistance dataENG
Patrick Okello (Global Fund) and Lilia Gerberg (PMI)

Using routine epidemiological, entomological, and/or programmatic data sources to monitor the impact of distribution of new ITN typesENG
Molly Robertson (Global Fund)

Lunch session: Waste management and end of life ITNs ENG
Innovation and Evaluation Working Group – Jessica Rockwood (IPHA) and Joe Lewinski (CRS)

ITN quantification: Tailoring approaches based on country data ENG
Dr Hannah Koenker (Tropical Health)

Tanzania: Sub-national tailoring and use of multiple channels for sustaining ITN access among all population groups ENG
Dr Peter Gitanya (NMCP)

Madagascar: Assessing continuous distribution for sustaining ITN access in malaria epidemic areas – Trends in malaria indicators and costingFR
Joëlson Andriamparany Rakotoson (NMCP) and Nirina Ramanamidona (PSI)

Using a spatial decision support system for adaptive malaria control on Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea – ENG
David Galick (MCD Global Health)

Quality assurance mechanism for ITNs: an experience from PakistanENG
Dr Muhammad Mukhtar (DoMC)

Sharing Liberia’s experience with durability monitoring of IG2ENG
D. Levi Hinneh (NMCP)

Key findings from listening exercises with partners on post-market data collection and agreed priorities for 2023/24ENG
Angus Spiers (Raising the Floor on ITNs)

Transitioning from input to output-based funding – Key messages from ITN campaign activity-based contracting pilots in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Pakistan – ENG
Aneta Wierzynska (Global Fund)

Outcomes and lessons learned: Activity-based contracts for ITN campaigns in Kwilu and Mongala Provinces, DRC – ENG
Joris Likwela (SANRU)

Quantification: A review of population denominators across health campaign interventions in selected provinces of DRC – ENG
Emmanuel Rukengwa (GRID3)

Lunch session: Reaching IDPs, refugees and last-mile populations – ENG 

Improving end-process monitoring, data analysis and use of data for decision-making post ITN campaign distribution in Nigeria – ENG
Mary Esema, Fatima Ali (NMEP) and Ifeanyi Udoye (SFH)

Senegal: Digitalization profile for malaria interventions – ENG
Latsouk Diouf et Rassoul Seck (NMCP)

Programmatic monitoring of LLINs for action in the Americas: A methodology based on Lot Quality Assurance Sampling (LQAS) – ENG
Lucia Fernandez Montoya (CHAI)

Guinea: Integrating campaign service delivery (“pool” approach) to hard-to-reach populations – Key outcomes and future recommendationsENG
Chrestien Yameni (CRS)

Looking forward: Key issues and AMP priorities for 2023 – 2024ENG
Marcy Erskine (IFRC/AMP)

The 2022 Virtual AMP Annual Partners Meeting of the Alliance for Malaria Prevention took place on March 28th – 30th, 2022.

Please find here the awards in English and French

File Link(s)
Session (Day 1) English | French
Session (Day 2) English | French
Session (Day 3) English | French

Upstream issues: Supply chain situation and outlook for 2022ENG
Clarisse Morris (Global Fund), Julian Austin (AMF), Chris Warren (US-PMI)

Madagascar: Model for local resource mobilizationFR
Saraha Rabeherisoa (NMCP)

Mozambique: Innovative waste management effortsENG
Luis Ismael (NMCP)

Liberia: Addressing COVID-19 related rumors during ITN mass campaign – challenges and recommendationsENG
D. Levi Hinneh (NMCP)

Trends and adaptations: A multi-country review of adaptations and potential cost drivers for COVID-19 adapted campaignsENG
Jessica Rockwood (IPHA)

Nigeria: Qualitative process evaluation and quantitative analysis of end process results for five COVID-19 adapted campaignsENG
Philip Okoko and Fatima Ali (NMEP)

Looking forward: Considerations for the AMP Partnership in 2022 and 2023ENG
Dr. Marcy Erskine (IFRC/AMP)

New Nets Project interim results, Evidence from pilot evaluationENG
Dr. Baltazar Candrinho (Director, NMCP Mozambique) and Dr. Adama Gansané (Director, CNRFP Burkina Faso)

Effectiveness of three types of dual active ingredient treated nets compared to pyrethroid long lasting insecticidal nets against malaria in an area with pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes in Tanzania: a four-arm, cluster-randomised trialENG
Jacklin Mosha (National Institute for Medical Research) and Nancy Matowo (LSTM)

Considerations for deployment of different ITN typesENG
Lilia Gerberg (US-PMI), Htin Kyaw Thu (Global Fund) and Julian Austin (AMF)

Crisis management post-ITN distribution in Ivory CoastFR
Dr. Mea Antoine Tanoh (NMCP Ivory Coast)

Distributing different types of nets, from quantification to end user: The experience of GhanaENG
Christian Atta-Obeng (NMCP Ghana)

Raising the floor on nets: Updates from a convening on ITN quality and performanceENG
Eddie Thomsen (LSTM)

ITN campaign and continuous distribution trackers: Purpose, progress and data needsENG
Dr Marcy Erskine (IFRC/AMP), Mary Kante (Eau Claire Consulting)

Modeling potential drivers of ITN coverage gaps in sub-Saharan AfricaENG
Amelia Bertozzi-Villa (IDM)

ITN Durability: Implications for ITN accessENG
Dr. Hannah Koenker (Tropical Health)

Vaccination campaigns: Digital health information prioritiesENG
Carine Gachen (GAVI)

Geo-enabled Digital Microplanning: Improving population estimates and ensuring access for improved campaign outcomesENG
Chris Jung, Ravi Shankar, Daniel Obare (WHO)

Distribution of ITNs in a context of population displacement: Ituri Province, DRCFR
Eric Mukomena (PNLP)

Improving prevention by understanding population mobility and displacement using mobile operator dataENG
Linus Bengtsson MD, PhD (Flowminder)

PBO Deep Dive: Summary of findings from 2021 reportENG
Eliza Walwyn-Jones (CHAI)

The 2021 virtual partners’ meeting of the Alliance for Malaria Prevention “COVID-19 lessons learned for ITN distribution / Multiproduct campaigns / Addressing equity in vector control” was held virtually March 24th – 26th, 2021.

File Link(s)
Chat Day 1 Session Chat Day 1
Chat Day 2 Session Chat Day 2
Chat Day 3 Session Chat Day 3
Poll Report Days 1-3 Poll Report
Day 1 – Wednesday 24th English
Day 2 – Thursday 25th English
Day 3 – Friday 26th English

The 2020 annual partners’ meeting of the Alliance for Malaria Prevention focused on “Using Data to Innovate and Align with Country Priorities” was held at the IFRC Headquarters in Geneva in January 2020.