Chaque mercredi, l’APP organise une conférence téléphonique hebdomadaire ouverte à tous les partenaires, dont l’objectif principal est de fournir des mises à jour sur les pays bénéficiant d’une assistance technique pour les activités de distribution de MII. L’AMP organise aussi régulièrement des présentations thématiques. Toutes les présentations sont disponibles ici. Pour accéder aux enregistrements de ces réunions, veuillez contacter
Présentations techniques 2023
- ITN campaign digitalization matrix and new AMP website – AMP staff
- Procedures for assessing quality of ITN distribution campaign activities – AMP consultants
- Human Centred Design – John Hopkins Center For Communication Programs (JHU CCP)
- Presentation on the article “Reported reasons for non-use of insecticide-treated nets in large national household surveys, 2009–2021” – Tropical Health
- Campaigns to Distribute Insecticide-Treated Nets and Conduct Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in Ghana: The Decision Process on Campaign Integration in 2018 and 2021 – Health Campaign Effectiveness Coalition
- Read out from AMP Annual Partners’ Meeting – AMP consultant
- Presentation on story map and blog post on malaria and AMP – United Nations Foundation
- Presentation on AMP 2022 annual report – AMP staff
- National consultant review – AMP consultant
- Malaria campaign digitalization handbook – Catholic Relief Services
- Malaria Behaviour Survey Dashboard – JHU CCP
- Net care survey – Tropical Health
- Per diem review paper – Tropical Health
- Outcomes from AMP Core Group meeting – AMP Core Group Member
- Presentation on Net Mapping Project and three billion nets milestone to prevent malaria – AMP consultant
- Read out from refugee and displaced populations roundtable series – AMP Core Group Member