The Emerging Issues Working Group (EIWG) is focused on addressing new issues arising during ITN planning, implementation and reporting and which require adapted or new operational strategies, approaches or tools, as well as cross-country learning to ensure experience exchange and successful scale-up as appropriate. Examples of emerging issues include operationalization of new stratification approaches, improving population denominator estimates, waste management and end-of-life nets. New issues are often identified through other working groups, particularly Country Support.
Working group co-chairs
- Jessica Rockwood, International Public Health Advisors jrockwood@iphadvisors.com
Jessica Rockwood, President of International Public Health Advisors, has worked for over 25 years in international development at the intersection of public and private sector engagement to reach global targets in line with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Ms. Rockwood has extensive experience in providing technical assistance in many Sub-Saharan African countries developing awareness campaigns, advocacy and resource mobilization efforts, private sector engagement, public policies, and funding mechanisms for the control and elimination of malaria and other diseases, including HIV/AIDS and Neglected Tropical Diseases. She has particular expertise in the market dynamics, financing, procurement, and partnership practices of donor agencies, including conducting evaluations to measure results and developing toolkits to improve adherence to policies and recommendations to streamline multifaceted projects.
Advisory and consulting services have been provided to Alliance for Malaria Prevention/IFRC, BASF, CDC Foundation, Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, ISGlobal, JC Flowers Foundation, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, RBM Partnership to End Malaria, UNDESA/DSD, United Nations Foundation, World Bank, and corporate clients in sectors including public health, agriculture, urban transportation, and energy efficiency.
- Bradley Longman, PMI Evolve Project Bradley.Longman@abtglobal.com
Brad Longman (he/him/his) is a public health, international development, and program management professional specializing in malaria vector control, prevention, and pre-elimination strategies. He currently serves as the PMI Evolve Project’s Technical Manager, leading all ITN distribution activities including technical support for mass campaigns, continuous distributions, and post-distribution durability monitoring. Brad brings 12+ years of experience with PMI and 15 years of managing USAID-funded programs.
His prior roles include as Chief of Party for PMI VectorLink in Kenya, where he led the implementation of entomological surveillance and indoor residual spraying, protecting over 2 million Kenyans annually from malaria. He also collaborated with the National Malaria Control Program, local governments, and global partners to expand vector surveillance and vector control in refugee camps. Brad holds an M.B.A. from Johns Hopkins, a B.A. from the University of Virginia, and is completing his Ph.D. at Oregon State University.