Working group chairs
- John Milliner, Milliner Global Associates, Inc. (
- Cédric Mingat, ResultsinHealth (
What do we do?
The Net Mapping Project has two parts:
- ITN global shipments: quantifies the number of ITNs shipped to each country every quarter by net type
- Net mapping: Net mapping: graphically shows through a series of global maps the number of ITNs shipped to each country by year and by net type. Individual country maps depict the number of nets planned to be distributed to the various in-country provinces. The project provides a series of maps (both global and individual countries) to visualize the data collected each quarter.
The project surveys every WHO-pre-qualified ITN manufacturer each quarter and quantifies the number of nets that have been shipped to countries by net type on a worldwide basis. The project maintains a database of net shipments by country from 2004 to the present. The overall project provides an accurate reference to the number of nets currently in each country and offers a solid reference point for further calculations on progress toward universal coverage, as well as deterioration and the potential need for new nets to improve ITN access.
The project provides a series of maps (both global and individual countries) to visualize the data collected each quarter. Global maps show the number of ITNs shipped over time by country and by net type and individual country maps show (where available) in-country distribution of ITNs by province or other sub-national area.