In the last years, over 30 countries have participated in AMP-organized workshops aimed at strengthening the skills of national malaria programmes and partner organization staff in planning, implementation, logistics, social and behaviour change communication and monitoring and evaluation, with a focus on ITN campaign and continuous distribution channels. The ITN trainings provide a foundation for planning and executing a high-quality, efficient mass ITN distribution campaign, as well as for understanding the different channels for continuous distribution and how to identify the best fit for the country context.
AMP Technical Assistance provider refresher training, Geneva, January 2018
This training workshop was funded by The VectorWorks Project, a United States President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI)-funded global malaria project, and was targeted at TA providers supporting national malaria programmes and partners with ITN campaign and continuous distribution planning and implementation. The training enabled the roster of AMP consultants to share lessons learned across countries; the group also selected the best tools, templates and AMP recommendations from countries to be included in updates to the AMP toolkit and the Continuous Distribution toolkit. The training covered a refresher on the critical aspects of mass campaign planning: macro- and microplanning, logistics, social and behaviour change communication, and planning and implementation of key activities such as training, household registration and ITN distribution, as well as supervision, monitoring and evaluation. It also formally introduced continuous distribution, specifically, the continuous distribution options of school- and community-based distribution, but also private sector and retail sales.
AMP Regional Workshops, November 2018
VectorWorks, in collaboration with the RBM Partnership to End Malaria (RBM), supported two regional AMP trainings on the planning and implementation of mass and continuous ITN distribution in Nairobi, Kenya. AMP organized and facilitated the two trainings.
The training sessions brought together national malaria programme staff and implementing partner personnel—as well as technical and financial partners—to review guidance and undertake practical exercises related to both campaign and continuous ITN distribution. A key focus of the training sessions was to share lessons learned across country programmes for both mass and CD systems.
The AMP trainings highlighted successful country experiences and packaged them for replication to ensure the lessons are used for future campaigns. The majority of the session time was designed for interactive, hands-on ways of contextualizing these best practices for all countries. AMP used the revised AMP Toolkit and the Continuous Distribution Toolkit as guides to the content in the technical sessions. Using the toolkits as a road map for the trainings provided structure to the technical sessions but also helped orient the national malaria programme staff and implementing partners on the content and resources available in both of these toolkits, since the materials in the toolkits provide guidance to national malaria programmes without the need for outside technical assistance. An overarching focus of these trainings was operational effectiveness and efficiency and ways to better coordinate and lead effective malaria control interventions through improved leadership and management skills.
Click on the link below to access the AMP 2018 training reports
Archived trainings
Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) workshops 2010
Recognizing the importance of ITN utilization for reducing malaria cases, AMP has conducted BCC trainings with a key focus on involving communities, social mobilization, communication planning, behaviour change communication material development, monitoring and evaluation and advocacy.
Tools and Presentations
Logistics 2012
The logistics training aimed to build and support ITN logistics capacity. It provided a forum where individuals engaged in planning, coordinating and implementing large-scale ITN distributions could enhance their skills for the logistics roles required at all levels and stages of a mass campaign in order to ensure effective supply chain management from source to recipient.
Tools and presentations
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) workshops 2010
The M&E workshop focused on critical monitoring and evaluation concepts including identifying key information to collect during and after campaigns, selecting appropriate methods of data collection, analysing, interpreting and reporting information properly, and the use of results to improve ITN distribution activities.
Tools and presentations
Please note training materials may be dated. For the most up to date information, please contact AMP working group chairs.