Working Group Chair

  • Marcy Erskine, IFRC (
  • NOTE: for ITN campaign tracker – Orianne Berraud, IFRC (


The Country Support Working Group is focused on providing expert technical assistance to countries planning ITN campaign or continuous distribution. This Working Group comprises the entire AMP Partnership and updates are provided during the weekly AMP calls.

What do we do?

The CSWG is focused on ensuring that national malaria programmes and partners can access technical assistance (TA) for planning and implementation of mass campaign or continuous distribution of ITNs with emphasis on capacity-building of in-country ITN staff. The working group is also responsible for maintaining the global mass campaign ITN tracker in collaboration with the RBM Partnership to End Malaria’s Country/Regional Support Partner Committee, the Global Fund and the United States President’s Malaria Initiative as well as other partners. The mass campaign ITN tracker will be linked to the RBM dashboard found here.

The CSWG will:

  • Work with national malaria programmes and partners who would like to access AMP technical assistance to define terms of reference for the support, identify the most effective and appropriate TA modalities (such as in-country support, distance support or a hybrid model), identify TA providers that meet the terms of reference and language requirements and ensure quality control of all documents and materials produced per AMP recommendations and global and national guidelines.
  • Advise on the training and orientation of TA providers and in-country staff and national consultants depending on the TA platforms used and country needs.
  • Work with Global Fund Principal Recipients and the RBM Partnership to End Malaria to deploy TA providers in a timely manner to respond to country requests.
  • Ensure that the global mass campaign ITN tracker is regularly updated with the most recent information available.
  • Liaise with national malaria programmes and partners to identify issues and challenges arising and work to find solutions through global advocacy and/or collaboration with technical and financial partners and other AMP working groups to move issues identified forward toward resolution.
  • Ensure timely and high-quality reporting on TA provided to national malaria programmes and partners.
Country Reports (2020 – Present)

Country Reports (2020 – Present)

Reports and supporting documents from TA missions that have taken place since 2020 organized in country-specific pages.

Report Archive (2017 – 2019)

Report Archive (2017 – 2019)

Reports and supporting documents from TA missions that have taken place from 2017–2019 organized in country-specific pages.

Report Archive (2010 – 2016)

Report Archive (2010 – 2016)

Reports and supporting documents from TA missions that have taken place from 2010–2016 organized in country-specific pages.