Working group chair:
- Marcy Erskine, IFRC (marcy.erskine@ifrc.org)
Toolkit and Training Working Group, which is focused on updating and expanding the AMP ITN campaign toolkit, the ITN continuous distribution toolkit, the complex operating environments ITN distribution toolkit and specific planning, budgeting and operational considerations for digitalization.
What do we do?
The Toolkit and Training Working Group prioritizes development and dissemination of operational guidance and case studies focused on bottlenecks, challenges, successes, lessons learned and recommendations for improving the effectiveness and efficiency of ITN distribution through mass campaign and continuous distribution channels. The working group collaborates with other AMP working groups to ensure that any operational guidance documents needed to address issues arising within their workplans are quickly developed and made available to global partners.
The Training and Toolkit Working Group will:
- Work with national malaria programmes and technical, financial and implementing partners to identify gaps in available operational guidance, largely based on iterative learning from planning and implementation experiences, and develop updated or new guidance as needed to fill gaps.
- Support development of case studies that highlight best practices and learning from implementation of ITN distributions in order to ensure that information is made available quickly to national malaria programmes and partners.
- Organize workshops or training sessions for national programmes and partners when needed to ensure that updated best practices are communicated and shared between different country programmes.
- Update the AMP Toolkit with recent information as needed (or, alternatively, develop technical briefs to update specific sections of the toolkit).