Adaptation et priorisation au niveau infranational – Apprentissage technique et opérationnel

Réunion annuelle des partenaires de l’APP
Dates: 19-20 février 2024
Réunion sur la digitalisation des campagnes de santé
Dates: 21-22 février 2024

Practical Information NoteENG | FR

Information note for remote participantsENG | FR

AgendaENG | FR

Each year AMP, a global partnership housed and chaired by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and a member of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria (RBM), organizes its Annual Partners Meeting. The meeting provides an opportunity for national malaria programmes and partners involved in ITN distribution through campaign and continuous distribution channels to share experiences and innovations towards optimizing ITN access and use.

Building on the success of the 2023 meeting in Nairobi, the 2024 meeting will again take place in Nairobi at the Movenpick Hotel and Residences. The meeting will be organized in hybrid format, allowing both in-person and online participation.

Staff from national malaria programmes and implementing, technical and financial partners will attend and present their strategies and lessons learned from ITN distribution activities. The meeting provides a vital opportunity for sharing experiences and research results, and mobilizing partnerships around identified gaps for achieving and sustaining ITN access and use.

Concept NoteENG

AgendaENG | FR

The Alliance for Malaria Prevention (AMP) will organize a two-day campaign digitalization meeting in Nairobi, Kenya, on February 21 – 22. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together partners involved in digitalization for delivery of different health services through campaigns to exchange knowledge, experiences, challenges, and best practices in the use of digital tools and digital data for improving health campaigns and optimizing efficiency. The focus will be on cross-program learning, incorporating aspects such as malaria campaign digitalization, and examples from neglected tropical diseases (NTD) and immunization, and will provide an opportunity to learn more about product solutions to address common problems across health campaign interventions. This meeting is being organized with inputs from AMP partners including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), GAVI, the Malaria Consortium and WHO.

Theme 1: Digitalization of health campaigns: challenges and opportunities
Digital tools can significantly improve health campaign efficiency. Despite a rapid increase in the number of programs and partners rolling out digitalization for different campaign processes, planning and implementation is often faced with challenges. At the same time, digitalization opens opportunities for increased efficiency of operations and optimizing coverage with interventions and services. For presentations under this theme, implementers will share their experiences, highlighting challenges, successes, future opportunities, and lessons learned through deployment of digital tools.

Theme 2: Integration of campaign platforms into National Health Information System architecture
The use of multiple, distinct digital platforms in health campaigns results in fragmented data across various repositories, presenting a vital challenge to campaign efficiency and effectiveness. Presentations under this theme will focus on the need to integrate these platforms within health campaign frameworks and the broader health information system, the importance of integrating campaign digital solutions within the existing ecosystem of in-country digitalization, data sharing, interoperability, cross-programme data reuse, and establishing geo repositories.

Theme 3: Product solutions to address common problems across health campaigns
Despite the availability of various platforms, disease programs and partners often lack comprehensive information on digital tools, their functionalities, and how to maximize their benefits. Gaining insights from product solution developers and disease programs that have implemented health campaigns using these tools is essential for enhancing understanding, thereby enabling informed decision-making in tool selection. The theme will focus on various digital platforms and tools, as well as the challenges they aim to solve. It will also include real-world applications in different health campaign scenarios, showcased through joint presentations by developers and their collaborating partners/programmes from various countries.

We look forward to support should you have inquiries with regards to the logistics of this meeting.

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