Variable Variable Definition Type Example
Country Name of country Text Angola, Benin
Campaign year Calendar year campaign will take place, stated in year Year 2021
ITN distribution date (initially planned) Planned date for start of campaign activity in month/year Date Nov-2021
ITN distribution date (current plan) Current start date of campaign activity in month/year Date Nov-2021
Campaign rollout strategy National rolling: campaign is implemented nationwide but on rolling basis which can span more than a year

National phased: campaign is implemented nationwide in phases/waves through specific administrative units within a calendar year.

National: campaign is implemented at the same time nationwide.

Sub-national rolling: campaign is implemented at sub-national levels on rolling basis which can span more than a year

Sub-national phased: campaign is implemented at sub-national levels in phases/waves within a calendar year.

Sub-national: campaign is implemented at sub-national levels at the same time.

Text National rolling
Current campaign planning phase Complete: All campaign processes and ITN distribution completed

Implementation: Ongoing trainings, household registration, ITN distribution or other campaign processes

Macroplanning: Defining the strategy for all campaign technical areas and developing key documents, timeline and budget (operations, M&E, logistics, social and behaviour change, etc.)

Microplanning: Updating the macroplans for each district targeted for the campaign with information from decentralized levels to reflect actual context for implementation

Not started: Campaign planning has not yet started

Text Complete
Campaign status based on currently planned dates Off Track: Significant concerns and campaign at risk of significant delay/not taking place in the calendar year planned; intervention required to address bottlenecks and move country planning back to on track


At Risk: Some risk that the campaign will run into delays/not take place in calendar year planned; a situation not yet critical but important to watch and ensure that the bottlenecks do not grow and move the country off-track


On Track: The campaign is on track to take place in the same calendar year initially planned/there are no significant bottlenecks identified as of the last report date that would move the campaign off track

Color/Text Off Track
Reason for status Passed planned distribution dates: Current planned date for campaign has passed the initially planned date

Late ITN delivery: Delay in ITN delivery leading the campaign to be off track or at risk

Late PPE delivery: Delay in delivery of PPE leading the campaign to be off track or at risk

COVID-19 related delay: Delays due to COVID-19 (lockdowns, inability to implement mass population activities, adjustments required to plans and budgets due to changed context, etc.) leading the campaign to be off track or at risk

Non COVID-19 related delay: late procurement and/or delivery of goods and services (such as implementing partners, warehousing and transport services, printing, etc.), unexpected change in context (e.g. increasing insecurity), etc.


Text Passed
Geographic scope


Disaggregated data or information by states, province, or region where available Text National
Geographic scope (district) Disaggregated data or information by district (or equivalent) level where available Text Sub-national
Target population Number of people targeted for the mass ITN campaign disaggregated to sub-national levels if available Number 100,000
Total ITNs planned ITNs planned for the campaign based on RBM gap analysis or national malaria programme information Number 100,000
Net type Type of ITN procured for the campaign Text PBO, Standard and Dual AI
ITN Funding partner Partner (s) responsible for financing the procurement of ITNs Text PMI
Campaign digital data collection Whether the national malaria programme plans to use digital data collection some or all components of the campaign Text Yes/No/Planned
Scale of digital data collection Scale of the deployment of the digital data collection Text Full deployment
Last updated Date the main data source was last updated Date 01-Nov- 2021